
If you’re struggling with ageing skin and want to do something about it, then you’re probably considering your options.

At Youthfuller Wellness, our nutrition and aesthetics clinic dedicated to anti-ageing and skin health, we’ve discovered that skin can’t be fixed on just a superficial level. So while skincare can help (and definitely good skincare really does help quite a lot), it won’t completely counteract problems. You need to treat both the inside and the outside for optimum results.So here are some of our favourite skincare supplement singles. We also have several brands we love and trust that we suggest to most of our clients. But if you’re starting from scratch and prefer single supplements and to choose your own, the ones below are a good start to promote skin health and combat signs of ageing.

1. Vitamin C:

This is such an important antioxidant that it’s now being added to many of the top skincare products. In fact, the cosmeceutical line we now started carrying in our clinic (voted the favourite line of most Dermatologists) is known for their protective serums rich in this vitamin. So if you want to feed your skin from within as well as without, make sure to include vitamin C in your nutraceutical regiment. It assists in protecting skin from free radical damage caused by environmental stressors and UV exposure and is involved in collagen synthesis, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

2. Vitamin E:

Another potent antioxidant, vitamin E is also now commonly added to skincare (including the antioxidant serum we carry). It protects skin cells from oxidative damage, assists in maintaining skin moisture, and protects overall skin health.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

These can be found in fatty fish and are isolated into fish oil capsules and available in certain nuts and seeds, as well as algae. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost skin hydration, reduce inflammation, and support healthy cell membranes.

4. Collagen Peptides:

Collagen has become synonymous with healthy skin and the peptides are no exception. They support skin elasticity, hydration, and overall skin health by providing the amino acids necessary for collagen production.

5. Coenzyme Q10:

Coenzyme Q10 is involved in energy production within cells and exhibits antioxidant properties. It is often depleted in those taking statins and is key for both heart and mind health alongside skin, helping to reduce the visible (and not so visible) signs of ageing.

6. Probiotics:

Probiotics have finally garnered the attention they deserve for aiding skin health, alongside gut health (which they’re known for), mental health, and overall immunity. Good gut health benefits the skin by supporting healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. What’s happening on the inside will show up on the outside so gut health is critical for skin health.

7. Biotin:

Also known as vitamin B7, biotin plays a key role in the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is often included in supplements marketed for promoting skin and hair health. We suggest taking it as part of a B vitamin complex rather than on its’ own for optimum anti-ageing benefits. Remember that supplements should be part of a clean and healthy diet filled with plenty of plants, filtered water, herbal, and green tea, and herbs and spices for the ideal anti-ageing solution. If what you do on the inside echoes the outside and you also focus on a healthy lifestyle, you will find yourself the envy of your peers, who will be asking for your beauty secrets. 😉

Need more guidance for skin health and anti-ageing, get in touch by booking a free consultation using the link below:


Youthfuller Wellness Centre:

Reclaim your youthfulness! Uncover your youthfuller body, mind, and skin!

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